NICU Services

Here’s the PLAN.

What’s so bad about the NICU?  Nothing…it’s just the difference between the intrauterine (inside the womb) experience vs the extra-uterine (outside the womb) experience.  The NICU is not bad, it’s the medical side of saving your baby. But what’s the other side, which is just as important?  YOU—the parents!!!  I’ll guide you through all the ways to optimize the outcome of your baby’s developing body and brain.

My service includes all of the following:

NICU pregnant mom and dad couple

Your NICU Timeline

Preparing Your Plan

A complete plan for welcoming your new bundle of joy

  • What items should I register for if I know we are likely spending time in the NICU?
  • What things are vital on the To-Do List while I wait on bed-rest?
  • We’ve had lots of people reach out to offer help and support. How do I organize them?
  • Can I do anything to support breastfeeding prior to delivery?
  • How to participate in the Golden Hour if I know my baby is headed to the NICU?
  • What is my role in the NICU as a parent?
  • What questions should I be armed with?
  • How do I successfully communicate with doctors & nurses?
  • What are all these machines and what do the beeps mean?

In the thick of it

Executing Your Plan in the NICU

  • What can I do if I can’t touch my baby?
  • How do I bond with my baby in the NICU?
  • Can you teach me the NICU lingo doctors and staff use?
  • Why are positive feeding experiences important for my baby?
  • How do I support my baby’s sensory system in the NICU?
  • How do I feed my baby? How do I touch my baby?
  • How can I support my baby during a painful procedure?
  • Optimal neurodevelopment is always our long-term goal in the NICU, while also alleviating fears and anxiety of parents

Continuing the Plan at Home

Although you are home, the work is not done. Let’s keep setting your baby up for success.

  • What does my baby need at home?
  • What do we as parents need when baby comes home?
  • How can I ensure that baby is feeding and sleeping well?
  • What will our schedule look like?
  • Do I need a baby care specialist?
  • What if I need to go back to work?
  • Which resources are available?
  • Let’s make sure you feel confident caring for your child without the aid of the NICU staff

Sound like just what the Dr. ordered?

I’m available. Let’s talk.